Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Life's "Little" Setbacks..

So, Michael and I were about to embark on our life-changing diet when..

STRESS took over!

*Kimmie's pile of unpaid bills
*Michael has moved into a house we have yet to close on
*Kimmie got sick with a sinus infection
*Rowdy is still not potty trained
*Michael is trying to unpack all his boxes
*Michael's washer/dryer wasn't hooked up until recently
*Michael has no internet or television service
*Our house still need to be chaulked
*Kimmie's job for next year remains uncertain
*End of the school year chaos to be expected

and so we haven't gotten off to a good start yet.

Foods that I will be including into the diet (whether Michael likes it or not) are:


*Chicken Breast
*Salad (including lettuce, tomato, cucumber, and fat free dressings)
*Whole Wheat Pasta
*Pita Bread
*Hummus (white beans, chickpeas, etc)
*Olive Oil
*Lemons and Limes
*Zucchini and Squashes
*Broccoli and Cauliflower
*Sweet Potato fries
*Black Beans
*Chiles (jalepeno, chipotle, poblano, bell peppers)
*other fruits and veggies
*Laughing Cow Cheeses (they're yummy and only 35 calories!)
*Skim Milk
*Low Fat Soy Milk
*plenty of Tea and Coffee sweetened with Splenda and skim milk
*loads of Water
*Diet Soda

I hope by controlling his food intake, the weight will come off easily for Michael. I know that I will feel more motivated to work out if we go together, so I think the weight will come off for me as well. Wish us luck!

God bless,


Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Decision

Dear America,

Micahel and I have decided to lose weight before our wedding December 18th.

We both share the goal of losing 30 lbs. We have 30 weeks to lose it. Our goal is 1 lb per week.

Michael is currently 260 and I am currently 195. Michael's goal weight is 230 and mine is 165.

Michael can eat 3073 calories per day. I can eat 2378 calories per day.

I believe that with our faith and love for one another, we will be able to move this 60 lb mountain off our body. God can move mountains, and He will surely help us move this one if we believe and help each other.

But Jabez prayed to the God of Israel, "Bless me, God, and give me much land. Be with me and keep me from anything that might cause me pain." And God gave him what he prayed for.
-1 Chronicles 4:10